Monday, June 21, 2010


So, I posted a status on facebook about not having the energy to exercise and a good friend of mine replied with a great line. Just wanted to share it...

"Don't bother looking for the energy, just make a decision to get up and do it, count to ten then go! Look forward to the reward of having accomplished a task that puts you one step closer to your goal!"

We can do it!!!


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Brooke's Second Week

I'm down 1.2 this week. Wish it was a little better, but I can't complain. This was a .75% weight loss bringing the total to -4.4 lbs and 2.7%.

Keri's Second Week

I only lost .8 pounds this week. Still a loss, so I'm happy. I was doing really good all week, but went way overboard at Toy Story 3 with all the deliciousness of butter popcorn and candy. Oh well. Better luck next week. :)

This week: .8 pounds lost, .43% lost
Total: 2.2 pounds lost, 1.17% lost

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dave & Vicki's Weigh-In

Vicki's bad news... she didn't lose any weight. :( But the good news, she didn't gain anything either! Yeah! We all know how easy it is to gain weight during the summer with all the delicious food swarming around us. Good job Mom!

Dave lost 1 pound! Yeah Pops! So, his weight loss percentage is .33%.

Looking forward to having a great week this week! Good luck all!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Cheryl's great weight loss

Well I lost 1 biggy! Considering I was on the road most of the time I was glad I didn't gain. That is 51%.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Brooke's Weigh In

Well, I was impressed with the number I saw this morning considering the week I've had. I have had a HORRIBLE sinus infection for the past couple of weeks. I am finally on my second antibiotic which is working...Yay!

I also have an Immune Deficiency disease where I get gamma treatments via IV infusion every three weeks. On Tuesday I started a new Sub-Q infusion therapy where I stick six needles into the fatty parts of my body (which are not hard to find) and sit for 90 minutes while the medicine is pumped into my tissue. The doctor told me (jokingly) that I could never go on a diet and lose weight. I told him it's always been my dream for a doctor to tell me that! :) I just wish my pant size said the same!

Anyway, I was swollen and sore for a couple days after so between that and my sinuses, I have not worked out all week! In fact, I've slept in and sat a lot. Horrible, I know! They said it will take a couple months for my body to get used to it, but this will be a great change since I will be able to administer my medicine to myself once a week without a nurse coming and without the side effects of IV therapy. (Now I just have to get up the guts to stick myself with six needles! It's a good thing I have a wonderful husband who is willing to help out!)

I joined a website that a friend told me about that helps you count your calories. Its I try to stay under 1200 calories a day, which is very hard for me, and some days I go over, but I guess it's helping a little! I lost 3.2 pounds this week! This is a weight loss of 1.96%.

I hope to start working out again on Monday (everything is on Monday, right?) Why is it that weekends are so stinkin' hard to be good? We'll see how I feel after the next treatment on Tuesday. I suppose I just may have to be more disciplined with what I eat if I'm not working it off!

Now that you know more than you care to about me, I wish you all luck this next week! Muwah!


Keri's Weigh-In

Hello all! Well, it's not as much as I was hoping for, but I lost 1.4 pounds this week. That comes out to be a .74% loss. This just reminds me that losing weight is hard work, but every pound lost is an accomplishment! I worked my butt off this week with different exercises, so I'm proud of my loss. Can't wait to see how everyone else did!


Friday, June 11, 2010

Just wanted to let everyone know that Applebees has GREAT 550 calorie dinners. I have had the chicken and the steak. Both were very tasty and filling!! Angie V

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Biggest Loser line-up

I had to laugh as I read everyones starting weight....not because of the number I was reading but because of the word or words leading up to and following "dreaded number"...words such as: Blah, Yuck, ugh, gag, ahhhh!, be kind, :( , scary and even a dun dun dun...

lets be excited to know that we will all have words like: I did it!, Hooray!, Yippee, YAY!, YES! WOOT WOOT, :), drum roll please....when we announce our ending weight because we will all have lost and no longer be staring at the "dreaded number" between our feet on the scale (or if your fancy, the numbers on the wall or wherever your scale display be :) )

p.s. remember where the exact clothes are that you are wearing in these pictures are when it comes time to take pics again, that way you can really see your progress, and try to stand in the same spot in your mine hopefully you will be able to see that it's a mirror behind me not a doorway :( Brooke I think you will have to tell John you need to go back to Hawaii to get your 'After' pics :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tips on exercise that I found in a nutrition class I'm taking

Getting started: Your physical activity program can be as simple as a
15-minute walk around the block each morning and evening. Gradually
build up your program and set new goals to stay motivated. The
important thing is to find something you enjoy, and do it safely. And
remember—trying too hard at first can lead to injury and cause you
to give up. If you have a chronic health problem or a family history of
heart disease at an early age, be sure to talk with your doctor before
launching a new physical activity program.
1. Set a schedule and try to keep it.
2. Get a friend or family member to join you. Motivate each other
to keep it up.
3. Cross-train. Alternate between different activities so you don’t
strain one part of your body day after day.
4. Set goals.
5. Reward yourself. At the end of each month that you stay on your
exercise program, reward yourself with something new—new
clothes, a compact disc, a new book—something that will help keep
you committed. But don't use food as a reward.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer 2010

Okay apparently I need constant accountability because after the contest, I was able to keep up the exercise and diet for a while longer and then I TOTALLY fell off the wagon, gaining a lot of the weight that I swore I was never going to see again, back :(

So I realized I need all of you again, forcing me to be accountable for my weight loss and gain, and what the heck maybe even winning something out of it!!

When we did our New Years biggest loser we had everyone put $20 in to the "winners pot" at the beginning of the contest. This time we are going to stick to this. That way it's fair for everyone. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner...

To anyone who has ever watched the show, they don't go off of pounds lost, but off of percentage of weight lost, that way it makes for a more even playing field...So even if you only "need" to lose 5-10 pounds you still have an equal shot at winning!

Okay so if your ready to start here's the rules: (you must sign up by 06/05/10) The contest will go from 06/01/10-09/01/10, when the winner(s) will be announced.
#1 send me an e-mail with "biggest loser summer 2010" in the subject line, telling me your name and starting weight. And a picture close up of your face and then a full body side shot. I will compile these together and add them to the blog as our before pictures. Since this is on the honor system people want to see results :) My e-mail address is

I will reply to your e-mail so you can log on to the blog and you can write and share anything you would like. I will also send you my address so you can send in your $20

Each Saturday we will log on and enter our pounds lost that week. Or you can e-mail me and I will update the blog. I also have a facebook account so I will be requesting you as a friend so we can stay in touch there too!!!
Good Luck!!!!