Saturday, June 12, 2010

Brooke's Weigh In

Well, I was impressed with the number I saw this morning considering the week I've had. I have had a HORRIBLE sinus infection for the past couple of weeks. I am finally on my second antibiotic which is working...Yay!

I also have an Immune Deficiency disease where I get gamma treatments via IV infusion every three weeks. On Tuesday I started a new Sub-Q infusion therapy where I stick six needles into the fatty parts of my body (which are not hard to find) and sit for 90 minutes while the medicine is pumped into my tissue. The doctor told me (jokingly) that I could never go on a diet and lose weight. I told him it's always been my dream for a doctor to tell me that! :) I just wish my pant size said the same!

Anyway, I was swollen and sore for a couple days after so between that and my sinuses, I have not worked out all week! In fact, I've slept in and sat a lot. Horrible, I know! They said it will take a couple months for my body to get used to it, but this will be a great change since I will be able to administer my medicine to myself once a week without a nurse coming and without the side effects of IV therapy. (Now I just have to get up the guts to stick myself with six needles! It's a good thing I have a wonderful husband who is willing to help out!)

I joined a website that a friend told me about that helps you count your calories. Its I try to stay under 1200 calories a day, which is very hard for me, and some days I go over, but I guess it's helping a little! I lost 3.2 pounds this week! This is a weight loss of 1.96%.

I hope to start working out again on Monday (everything is on Monday, right?) Why is it that weekends are so stinkin' hard to be good? We'll see how I feel after the next treatment on Tuesday. I suppose I just may have to be more disciplined with what I eat if I'm not working it off!

Now that you know more than you care to about me, I wish you all luck this next week! Muwah!


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