Sunday, June 6, 2010

Biggest Loser line-up

I had to laugh as I read everyones starting weight....not because of the number I was reading but because of the word or words leading up to and following "dreaded number"...words such as: Blah, Yuck, ugh, gag, ahhhh!, be kind, :( , scary and even a dun dun dun...

lets be excited to know that we will all have words like: I did it!, Hooray!, Yippee, YAY!, YES! WOOT WOOT, :), drum roll please....when we announce our ending weight because we will all have lost and no longer be staring at the "dreaded number" between our feet on the scale (or if your fancy, the numbers on the wall or wherever your scale display be :) )

p.s. remember where the exact clothes are that you are wearing in these pictures are when it comes time to take pics again, that way you can really see your progress, and try to stand in the same spot in your mine hopefully you will be able to see that it's a mirror behind me not a doorway :( Brooke I think you will have to tell John you need to go back to Hawaii to get your 'After' pics :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for all of you!
    The term DIETING is just a misspelling for DIEING! lol
    I know what a struggle losing weight can be, but I know all of you will be successful!
    Love these before pics, Your all fab people to start with, so look out world here you come!
